Free Internet Speed Test Online
You are here because you want to check your broadband internet speed. Don’t worry, I will show you how to check your internet speed from online absolutely free and fastest way. I will show you top 4 websites link from which your broadband internet speed can be checked so easily. I will also show you how to check bandwidth usage continuously with windows operating system’s utility and a third party software utility. So, keep reading this article and find how to check broadband internet speed from online so easily.

Top 4 Websites to Check Internet Speed Online
Sometime you may face slow bandwidth in your IP devices. If you face slow bandwidth in your devices, it will be better to check your internet bandwidth to make sure that you have got your committed bandwidth from your ISP or not. So, if you want to check your internet bandwidth speed, below four websites will be your best friend, I think.
- Bandwidth Place which can be used from Desktop, Laptop, Mobile and Tablets is a HTML5 based and lightweight free internet speed test suite. I always use this site to check my broadband bandwidth when I face any confusion. So, if you want to measure your broadband internet speed with Bandwidth Place, go to Bandwidth Place by click the link and check your internet speed just clicking Start button within speedometer. As soon as you click Start button, it will start pinging and show the download and the upload speed in right panel.
- Charter Communications has a lightweight and free internet speed test utility. But adobe flash player must be installed before using this utility. So, if you have adobe flash player installed in your PC, go to Charter Communications from this link and check internet speed just by clicking Begin Test button. As soon as you click the button, your broadband internet speed will be started measuring and you can see your download and upload speed as a summery after completing measurement.
- Armstrong also provides a free internet speed testing tool where internet speed can be checked so easily. If you want to check your internet speed with Armstrong tool, go to Armstrong site by clicking this link and then click on Begin Test button. You will see your broadband internet upload and download speed as a summery window within a few seconds.
- WOWWAY is also an awesome free and faster internet speed testing tool. Your internet speed details can be found accurately by clicking just a button. Go to WOWWAY webpage by clicking this link and then click Begin Test button. Within a few second you will find your download and upload speed details as a summery window.
Check Internet Speed Continuously
With the above 4 website you can check your internet speed just one time. But you can also check your broadband internet speed continuously. I am showing here two techniques by which you can check your current internet speed continuously.
- By Windows Task Manager: Internet speed can be checked continuously from Task Manager in windows operating system. So, if you are a windows user, you can check your current internet speed from task manager. For this, go to Task Manager and click on Performance tab and then choose Wi-Fi or Ethernet by which your internet is connected. If you are windows 7 user, click on Resource Monitor button and then click Network tab. Now your live bandwidth usage can be observed from this window.
- By DU Meter: It is an third party software tool that can be used to check live internet speed from your Windows Desktop. So, if you want to monitor your bandwidth continuously with DU Meter, Download DU Meter from this link and install it in your computer. A Download and Upload Speed Panel will be appeared on your Desktop to observe live internet speed.
How to check your broadband internet speed has been explained in this article. I hope, you are now able to check your internet speed whenever you feel any doubt about your internet speed. However, if you face any problem to check your internet speed, feel free to discuss in comment or contact with me from Contact page. I will try my best to stay with you.
Why not a Cup of COFFEE if the solution?
can you pleas recommend me very good soft that can increase the internet connection my windows pc
and thanks for this great article , it has very valuable info
Bro, Contact with your ISP and increase your broadband connection speed. Software is not so effective for increasing internet speed. If you keep your browser and PC neat and clean, you will get your desired speed that you bought.