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  • How to Block VPN Access with MikroTik Router

    Sometimes system administrators create firewall rule to block unwanted websites. But VPN apps break these firewall rules and allow access to unwanted websites. For example, if Facebook is blocked with MikroTik Firewall and any expert user installs and enables VPN apps (such as OpenVPN, Hotspot Shield, ProtonVPN, NordVPN, PureVPN etc.), he can easily get access to Facebook. So, system administrators should also block popular VPN apps so that user cannot use those VPN servers. Blocking VPN apps is not so easy. You should be expert enough to block VPN application. In this article, I will discuss a simple trick to block VPN applications with MikroTik Firewall. Trick to Block VPN Applications (VPN Servers)  When any user installs and enables VPN application, it creates a tunnel between user computer and the VPN server. The user PC is now treated as a PC of the VPN network. So, any firewall rule applied on the user IP, does not work anymore. In a VPN enabled PC, if we find public IP address of our network with any online tools such as, we will find the VPN server IP instead of our MikroTik public IP. Now if we block that VPN server IP [...]


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    OpenDNS Family Shield Configuration in MikroTik RouterOS 7 |   August 30, 2024

    OpenDNS is a DNS based free web content filtering software. It helps to keep our home or office network free from malware, virus and adult content. Configuring OpenDNS in our Home of Office routers, we can easily keep safe our internet content. OpenDNS provided OpenDNS Family Sheild solution that keeps our kids safe online. OpenDNS Family Shield filters all adult content websites as well as virus and trojan. OpenDNS Family Shield is preconfigured to block adult content. So, our children [...]


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    Ubuntu RADIUS Server Configuration with freeRADIUS |   September 3, 2022

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    How to Install Extra Packages in MikroTik RouterOS |   October 10, 2019

    MikroTik RouterOS does not always include all the packages those are developed by MikroTik team. So, sometimes you may find that some packages are missing in your RouterOS such as NTP package, DUDE package, Wireless package, CAPsMAN package and so on. Specially, user manager package which is totally a separate MikroTik RADIUS package used to manage user authentication, authorization and accounting is always missing. Also upgrading RouterOS or downgrading RouterOS you may find that some packages are missing there. So, [...]


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    How to Add New Domains to BIND DNS Server |   July 5, 2019

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    How to Use Old Router as Range Extender to Boost WiFi Signal |   October 7, 2019

    WiFi is a technology to turn wired internet into WiFi internet and used in every home and office. Wireless internet gives you the freedom to use the internet without sitting in a single place. It is also true that speed performance drop in Wi-fi due to weak signal or interference. Sometimes laying a physical wired connection in every room is not possible. So Wi-Fi range extender setup helps you to boost signal strength. Instead of buying a new range extender [...]


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    MikroTik VLAN and Bridge Configuration |   September 19, 2017

    VLAN and Bridge are two useful features in MikroTik Router.  These two features are frequently used in any MikroTik network configuration. VLAN divides a physical interface into multiple logical interfaces. So, you can isolate your network into multiple logical networks on a physical interface. On other hand, MikroTik Bridge integrates multiple physical interfaces in a logical interface. So, you can extend your broadcast domain on multiple physical interfaces and can extend your popular services such as PPPoE or DHCP on [...]


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    Securing MikroTik Router with Port Knocking |   March 21, 2021

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    MikroTik VPN Configuration with PPTP (Connecting Remote Client) |   August 17, 2016

    VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that extends private network across a public network. It enables private network users to send and receive data across public network as if their network devices were directly connected to the private network. There are many VPN services in MikroTik RouterOS 7. Among them, MikroTik PPTP is a mostly used VPN service. It is a client-server VPN technology. So, a user can access server, printer, IP phone and any other network devices of [...]


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    How to Properly Downgrade MikroTik RouterOS and Firmware |   October 2, 2019

    MikroTik RouterOS is in constant development and new features or bug fixes are frequently available, sometimes even monthly. So, it is always recommend upgrading MikroTik RouterOS to a latest and stable version before beginning any configuration. But sometimes you may face that the upgraded version is not working properly according to your demand or you may upgrade to a new version that you don’t want. In this case, you should come back to your workable RouterOS version and firmware. Upgrading RouterOS [...]