ipip tunnel with ipsec
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MikroTik IPIP Tunnel with IPsec (Site to Site VPN)
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides IPIP tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN. IPIP tunnel is a simple protocol that encapsulates IP packets in IP to make a tunnel between two routers. To encapsulate an IP packet in another IP packet, an outer header is added mentioning the entry point of the tunnel (SourceIP) and the exit point of the tunnel (DestinationIP) but the inner packet is kept unmodified. IPIP tunnel only encapsulates IP packets but does not provide authentication and encryption. IPIP tunnel with IPsec ensures IP packet encapsulation as well as authentication and encryption. IPsec usage makes your packets secure but it works slowly because of having extra authentication and encryption process. So, my opinion is that if data security is your concern, use IPIP tunnel with IPsec but if data security is not so headache, use only IPIP tunnel because it works so faster. The goal of this article is to [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site GRE Tunnel Configuration with IPsec | March 26, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. GRE tunneling protocol which can encapsulate a wide variety of protocols creating a virtual point-to-point link was [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site EoIP Tunnel with IPsec | March 21, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides EoIP (Ethernet over IP) tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN. EoIP tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two MikroTik Routers on top [...]
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WireGuard VPN Setup in MikroTik RouterOS7 with Windows OS | August 14, 2022
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of the most popular services in MikroTik RouterOS. A lot of VPN services (IPsec, EoIP, OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPIP etc.) are available in MikroTik RouterOS but in RouterOS7, a new VPN service named WireGuard has been introduced which is extremely simple yet first, secure and modern VPN. WireGuard uses cryptography to make it secure. In RouterOS7, WireGuard can be used either Client-Server (Road Warrior) VPN tunnel or site to site VPN tunnel. Using Client-Server [...]
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How to Block NetShare Changing MikroTik TTL | April 19, 2024
Internet user can easily share their net connection to others using their smart phone or Laptop creating Hotspot. Smart phone users especially Android users by default get a net sharing app named Mobile Hotspot to share his net connection to others. Besides Mobile Hotspot, there are many Android Apps like NetShare those can be used to share net connection to others. Sharing net connection to others or friends is a good feature in Smart phone but sometimes users misuse this [...]
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FreeRADIUS MySQL Database GUI with phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7 | January 30, 2019
FreeRADIUS is a high performance RADIUS Server that accepts a large number of networking devices as RADIUS Client including MikroTik Router. MySQL is one of the best user sources for freeRADIUS server. In my previous article, I discussed how to install freeRADIUS server on CentOS 7 and how to integrate MySQL module with freeRADIUS server. I also discussed how to create user group and profile in MySQL database server and authenticate MikroTik PPPoE client with MySQL database user. I used [...]
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MikroTik DHCP Server Configuration with Radius Server | January 24, 2018
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client-server protocol that is used to assign an IP address and other network configuration parameters dynamically to each device on a network so that they can communicate with other IP networks. DHCP Server is popularly used in an Enterprise Office Network because in an office network various types of IP devices such as Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone, IP Phone and so on are maintained and almost all IP devices support DHCP. An ISP Network can also be [...]
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Red Hat/CentOS Network Configuration | August 4, 2017
Red Hat/CentOS network configuration or IP configuration is an important task to a Linux system administrator. After completing RedHat 7/ CentOS 7 fresh installation, you have to first configure your system network so that it can communicate to other network devices. In my previous article, I discussed how to install CentOS 7 core packages successfully on your physical machine. If you are a new CentOS 7 user and yet you have not installed CentOS on your machine, feel free to study [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site VPN Configuration with IPsec | March 8, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure and encrypted tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using this VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. Site to Site VPN technique establishes a secure tunnel between two routers across public network and local networks of these routers can send and receive data through this VPN tunnel. MikroTik RouterOS [...]
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Firewalld Installation and Configuration in Ubuntu Server | May 5, 2022
Firewalld is an awesome host based firewall management tool for Linux Operating System. Firewalld has developed on Fedora but it is now available for almost all Linux distributions. So, Firewalld can be installed in Ubuntu Server although Ubuntu Server has UFW as the default firewall system. Firewalld is more robust and easy to maintain than UFW, I think. So, I am going to discuss how to install and configure Firewalld in Ubuntu Server. Installing Firewalld in Ubuntu Server By default [...]
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