mikrotik ntp server package
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How to Install Extra Packages in MikroTik RouterOS
MikroTik RouterOS does not always include all the packages those are developed by MikroTik team. So, sometimes you may find that some packages are missing in your RouterOS such as NTP package, DUDE package, Wireless package, CAPsMAN package and so on. Specially, user manager package which is totally a separate MikroTik RADIUS package used to manage user authentication, authorization and accounting is always missing. Also upgrading RouterOS or downgrading RouterOS you may find that some packages are missing there. So, if you find package missing in your RouterOS, you must install them manually. But installing these extra packages sometimes may be difficult if don’t know the proper guideline. Some of our loyal readers also told me that they are facing problem to install these extra packages specially user manager package. So, in this article I will discuss how to install MikroTik extra packages properly with step by step guideline. How to Install MikroTik Packages If you don’t know the proper guideline, you may spend hours to hours to install RouterOS extra packages but your result will be null. So, I am sharing here how to install MikroTik extra packages with proper guideline. Extra packages in MikroTik can properly be installed [...]
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How to Secure MikroTik RouterOS Login Users | February 19, 2021
MikroTik RouterOS is a bridge between WAN and LAN. So, it is mandatory to apply RouterOS login user security policy. Otherwise, RouterOS may so insecure.
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OpenVPN Configuration over Port 443 on Ubuntu Linux | June 20, 2022
OpenVPN provides a secure and encrypted VPN tunnel across public network. Unlike PPTP and L2TP VPN Services which can be blocked, OpenVPN can highly be customized and even can be run over so popular TCP Port 443. So, OpenVPN cannot easily be blocked. OpenVPN uses SSL/TLS Certificates. So, OpenVPN Tunnel is a trusted tunnel to send and receive data across public network. OpenVPN Server can easily install on Ubuntu Server. Installing OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu Server, we can connect Windows, [...]
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How to Assign Static IP Address in Windows OS | September 16, 2015
Communication between one computer to another computer or server is established with IP addresses. Without IP address no communication is possible in computer network. An Internet Protocol (IP) Address is a numerical value or label assigned to each electronic device (e.g., computer, smartphone and printer) which uses Internet Protocol for communication. IP can be assigned both dynamically and statically on a IP devices. Dynamic IP is assigned by a DHCP server. If a DHCP server is present in a network, [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site VPN Configuration with IPsec | March 8, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure and encrypted tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using this VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. Site to Site VPN technique establishes a secure tunnel between two routers across public network and local networks of these routers can send and receive data through this VPN tunnel. MikroTik RouterOS [...]
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ISP Bandwidth Management with MikroTik PCQ | June 25, 2016
MikroTik is an excellent router for managing ISP Bandwidth. For this, most of the ISPs are now using MikroTik Router for managing client bandwidth. The service used to manage bandwidth in MikroTik RouterOS is QUEUE. There are various types of queue services in MikroTik Router for managing internet bandwidth. Among these, PCQ can specially be used for maintaining ISP bandwidth. In this article, we will see how to manage ISP Bandwidth with MikroTik PCQ. MikroTik PCQ Service PCQ stands for [...]
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MikroTik PPPoE Setup with Radius Server Prepaid Billing System | December 23, 2017
MikroTik PPPoE Server is popularly used in ISP Companies to maintain user connection. Along with MikroTik PPPoE Service it is a better idea to make a prepaid billing system with Radius Server. MikroTik User Manager Radius Server is a user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company ability to manage PPPoE user’s connection with proper bandwidth management as well as their prepaid billing system with scratch card. So, any ISP Company can turn a smart network system with [...]
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How to Add New Domains to BIND DNS Server | July 5, 2019
DNS (Domain Name System) Server is an essential part to any computer network. So, it is always suggest keeping a DNS Server in every network. How to configure a DNS Server with BIND package was discussed in my previous article. A common question among the fresher admins of BIND DNS is how to add a new domain to BIND DNS Server. For this, this article is designed to discuss the proper way to add multiple domains to BIND DNS Server. [...]
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FreeRADIUS User Group Management with MySQL | January 3, 2019
FreeRADIUS is a high performance RADIUS Server. A number of network devices can be used with freeRADIUS Server as a RADIUS Client including MikroTik Router. As a modular RADIUS suite, freeRADIUS accepts MySQL module to query user authentication and authorization and to store accounting data. In my previous article, I discussed how to install and configure FreeRADIUS MySQL module. I also discussed how to authenticate MikroTik Login with freeRADIUS MySQL user. In this article, we will talk about how to [...]
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Setting Google as Default Search Engine | September 30, 2015
Google is one of the most popular search engines to any online user. It is said that no online user cannot go a single day without Google search engine. Google search statistics shows that over 40,000 search queries are processed every second by Google. If you have any query about any subject, just type in Google search box and Google will show you billion of results related to your search query within less than a second. So, usually you will want [...]
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