mikrotik ntp server package
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How to Install Extra Packages in MikroTik RouterOS
MikroTik RouterOS does not always include all the packages those are developed by MikroTik team. So, sometimes you may find that some packages are missing in your RouterOS such as NTP package, DUDE package, Wireless package, CAPsMAN package and so on. Specially, user manager package which is totally a separate MikroTik RADIUS package used to manage user authentication, authorization and accounting is always missing. Also upgrading RouterOS or downgrading RouterOS you may find that some packages are missing there. So, if you find package missing in your RouterOS, you must install them manually. But installing these extra packages sometimes may be difficult if don’t know the proper guideline. Some of our loyal readers also told me that they are facing problem to install these extra packages specially user manager package. So, in this article I will discuss how to install MikroTik extra packages properly with step by step guideline. How to Install MikroTik Packages If you don’t know the proper guideline, you may spend hours to hours to install RouterOS extra packages but your result will be null. So, I am sharing here how to install MikroTik extra packages with proper guideline. Extra packages in MikroTik can properly be installed [...]
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Securing MikroTik Router with Port Knocking | March 21, 2021
MikroTik Port Knocking strategy helps to protect MikroTik Router from hackers and unauthorized access as well as enhances MikroTik RouterOS security.
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How to Separate MikroTik Hotspot and DHCP IP Pool | October 9, 2020
MikroTik default Hotspot Setup comes with a DHCP Server (which uses same IP Pool of Hotspot Server) to provide IP address and other network information to a connected device. Using this automatic IP address connected device can access Hotspot login page. After successfully login, a one to one NAT IP address is also assigned for the device and this process happens internally in Hotspot Server. User device cannot know this one to one NAT IP assigning. However, Hotspot Server actually [...]
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MikroTik PPPoE Setup with Radius Server Prepaid Billing System | December 23, 2017
MikroTik PPPoE Server is popularly used in ISP Companies to maintain user connection. Along with MikroTik PPPoE Service it is a better idea to make a prepaid billing system with Radius Server. MikroTik User Manager Radius Server is a user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company ability to manage PPPoE user’s connection with proper bandwidth management as well as their prepaid billing system with scratch card. So, any ISP Company can turn a smart network system with [...]
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Free Online File Storage and File Sharing with Google Drive | August 19, 2015
Google Drive is a popular free online file storage and file sharing service by Google. Google Drive provides 15 GB free online storage where anyone can store or backup any kinds of file. That means, you can store your document file, picture, audio, video or any kinds of file into Google Drive and can read, write or download any file when you want. You can also share your stored file with your friends using Google Drive. But you are only [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site GRE Tunnel Configuration with IPsec | March 26, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. GRE tunneling protocol which can encapsulate a wide variety of protocols creating a virtual point-to-point link was [...]
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MikroTik EoIP Tunnel for Bridging LANs over the Internet | April 22, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides EoIP (Ethernet over IP) that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. EoIP tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two MikroTik Routers on top [...]
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FreeRADIUS User Profile Configuration for MikroTik Router | January 10, 2019
FreeRADIUS is a high performance RADIUS application that accepts a large number of network devices as RADIUS Client including MikroTik Router. FreeRADIUS MySQL module helps to get user authentication and authorization information from database server and to store user accounting information in database server. Configuring MySQL user group and profile properly, freeRADIUS user restriction can easily be maintained. How to configure user group to apply user limitation was discussed in my previous article. In this article, I will discuss how [...]
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VMware ESXi 7.0 Installation and Basic Configuration | December 1, 2020
VMware vSphere is the pioneer in virtualization world. No other virtualization software is as feature rich as VMware vSphere. More than 500,000 enterprise data center are now using VMware vSphere. It is expected that most of the data center will be turned into virtualization in near future. As VMware vSphere provides more feature than any other virtualization software, it is also expected that demand of VMware vSphere will increase day by day. VMware ESXi is the foundation of VMware vSphere [...]
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MikroTik UserMan RADIUS Server Customers, Users and Routers | November 13, 2017
MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server is a centralized user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company or network administrator ability to manage MikroTik RouterOS user, PPP user and Hotspot user so smoothly. There are two methods to install MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server in your network. You can install User Manager Package either on a physical RouterOS or on a dedicated Server Machine or on a Personal Computer where RouterOS is running. How to install and configure User [...]
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