How to Install Extra Packages in MikroTik RouterOS
MikroTik RouterOS does not always include all the packages those are developed by MikroTik team. So, sometimes you may find that some packages are missing in your RouterOS such as NTP package, DUDE package, Wireless package, CAPsMAN package and so on. Specially, user manager package which is totally a separate MikroTik RADIUS package used to manage user authentication, authorization and accounting is always missing. Also upgrading RouterOS or downgrading RouterOS you may find that some packages are missing there. So, if you find package missing in your RouterOS, you must install them manually. But installing these extra packages sometimes may be difficult if don’t know the proper guideline. Some of our loyal readers also told me that they are facing problem to install these extra packages specially user manager package. So, in this article I will discuss how to install MikroTik extra packages properly with step by step guideline.
How to Install MikroTik Packages
If you don’t know the proper guideline, you may spend hours to hours to install RouterOS extra packages but your result will be null. So, I am sharing here how to install MikroTik extra packages with proper guideline.
Extra packages in MikroTik can properly be installed with the following four steps.
- Finding Architecture Name and RouterOS version
- Downloading Exact Packages with Architecture Name and Version
- Uploading Downloaded Packages to MikroTik Root Directory
- Rebooting Router to Install Uploaded Packages
Step 1: Finding Architecture Name and RouterOS Version
It is important to know the Architecture Name and the current RouterOS Version before going to download extra packages. The following steps will show how to find the architecture name and the current RouterOS version.
- From Winbox, go to System > Resources menu item. Resources window will appear.
- Architecture Name and RouterOS version will be found in Resources window.

From the above Resource window we can see that the Architecture Name of this MikroTik Router is powerpc RouterOS version is 6.40 (stable).
Step 2: Downloading Exact Packages with Architecture Name and Version
Knowing Architecture Name and RouterOS version, we will now download packages from MikroTik Download Archive. The following steps will show how to choose accurate RouterOS version for your MikroTik Router.
- Go to MikroTik Download Page and select your current RouterOS version. You will find a list of RouterOS version for all Router Board architectures.
- Click on the ZIP (.zip) file that will match with your Architecture Name. The file format will be
- Your download will be started and within few minutes it will be finished.

From the above image we can see that the ZIP file for powerpc is
Step 3: Uploading Downloaded File to MikroTik Root Directory
After downloading exact ZIP file for MikroTik RouterOS, we will now extract this zip file and upload desired package files to MikroTik root directory. The following steps will show how to upload downloaded package file to MikroTik root directory.
- Extract your downloaded ZIP file. You will find your desired package files (.npk) in your extracted folder. The file format will be package_name-routeros_version-architecture_name.npk.
- From Winbox, click on Files menu item. File List window will appear.
- Now drag and drop your desired package files (NPK file) to this File List window.

From the above image we can see that User Manage and NTP packages are uploaded to install in RouterOS.
Step 4: Rebooting Router to Install Uploaded Packages
We are now ready to install our missing packages in RouterOS. We will now provide reboot command to install these packages.
- From Winbox, go to System > Reboot menu item.
- It will ask to confirm reboot. Click on Yes button.
- Your Router will be rebooted and after reboot you will find that your desired packages will be installed and no file will remain in File List window.
- To check whether your packages are installed or not, go to System > Packages menu item. Now you will find that your installed packages will be listed in Package List window.
If you face any confusion to follow the above steps properly, watch the following video on Installing extra packages in MikroTik Router. I hope it will reduces your any confusion.
How to install extra packages in MikroTik Router properly has been discussed in this article. I hope you will now be able to install your missing RouterOS packages if required. However, if you face any confusion to install extra packages, feel free to discuss in comment or contact with me from Contact page. I will try my best to stay with you.
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