how to configure site to site openvpn

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  • MikroTik Site to Site OpenVPN Server Setup (RouterOS Client)

    VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology provides a secure and encrypted tunnel across a public network. So, a private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network through VPN tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik OpenVPN Server provides a secure and encrypted tunnel across public network for transporting IP traffic using PPP. OpenVPN Server uses SSL Certificates. So, OpenVPN Tunnel is a trusted tunnel to send and receive data across public network. MikroTik OpenVPN Server can be applied in two methods. Connecting remote workstation/client with OpenVPN: In this method, OpenVPN client software, installed any operating system such as Windows, can communicate with MikroTik OpenVPN server through OpenVPN tunnel whenever required and can access remote private network as if it was directly connected to the remote private network. Site to Site OpenVPN: This method is also known as VPN between routers. In this method, an OpenVPN client supported router always establishes an OpenVPN tunnel with MikroTik OpenVPN Server. So, private networks of these routers can communicate with each other as if they were directly connected to the same router. The goal of this article is to create a site to [...]


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    MikroTik OpenVPN Setup with Windows Client |   April 2, 2018

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