mikrotik eoip tunnel configuration
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MikroTik Site to Site EoIP Tunnel with IPsec
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides EoIP (Ethernet over IP) tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN. EoIP tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two MikroTik Routers on top of an IP connection. EoIP adds an outer header mentioning the entry point of the tunnel (SourceIP) and the exit point of the tunnel (DestinationIP) but the inner packet is kept unmodified. EoIP tunnel only encapsulates IP packets but does not provide authentication and encryption. EoIP tunnel with IPsec ensures IP packet encapsulation as well as authentication and encryption. IPsec usage makes your packets secure but it works slowly because of having extra authentication and encryption process. So, my opinion is that if data security is your concern, use EoIP tunnel with IPsec but if data security is not so headache, use only MikroTik EoIP tunnel because it works so faster. The goal of this article is to design an [...]
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WireGuard VPN Setup in MikroTik RouterOS7 with Windows OS | August 14, 2022
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of the most popular services in MikroTik RouterOS. A lot of VPN services (IPsec, EoIP, OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPIP etc.) are available in MikroTik RouterOS but in RouterOS7, a new VPN service named WireGuard has been introduced which is extremely simple yet first, secure and modern VPN. WireGuard uses cryptography to make it secure. In RouterOS7, WireGuard can be used either Client-Server (Road Warrior) VPN tunnel or site to site VPN tunnel. Using Client-Server [...]
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MikroTik EoIP Tunnel for Bridging LANs over the Internet | April 22, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides EoIP (Ethernet over IP) that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. EoIP tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two MikroTik Routers on top [...]
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MikroTik Site to Site GRE Tunnel Configuration with IPsec | March 26, 2018
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunnel that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. GRE tunneling protocol which can encapsulate a wide variety of protocols creating a virtual point-to-point link was [...]
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MikroTik RouterOS User Authentication via RADIUS Server | November 19, 2017
MikroTik RouterOS has a strong local user database that is enough to manage a single MikroTik RouterOS user. But if your network has more than one MikroTik Routers, it is always better to use a RADIUS server to manage RouterOS user centrally. MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server is a centralized user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company or network administrator ability to manage not only RouterOS users but also PPP, Hotspot, DHCP and Wireless users. How to [...]
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How to Backup and Restore Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks | August 13, 2015
Bookmark is one of the most important and useful features in Mozilla Firefox Browser. If Bookmark is lost, Firefox users become very anxiety to recover it. But Mozilla Firefox also provides a tool to backup and restore Bookmarks so easily. So don’t need to be worried. If you know the proper steps about how to take a backup of your bookmark file and how to restore that bookmark backup file again, it will be very beneficial for you. So, this [...]
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MikroTik UserMan RADIUS Server Customers, Users and Routers | November 13, 2017
MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server is a centralized user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company or network administrator ability to manage MikroTik RouterOS user, PPP user and Hotspot user so smoothly. There are two methods to install MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server in your network. You can install User Manager Package either on a physical RouterOS or on a dedicated Server Machine or on a Personal Computer where RouterOS is running. How to install and configure User [...]
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MikroTik Radius Configuration with FreeRADIUS and MySQL | December 18, 2018
FreeRADIUS is a modular RADIUS suite. A lot of modules such as Perl, python, MySQL etc. can be integrated with freeRADIUS to enrich freeRADIUS features. MySQL is one of the best user and client sources in freeRADIUS server. One of the important advantages of MySQL with freeRADIUS server is that MySQL can easily be controlled with a lot of programming languages including PHP. So, freeRADIUS users and their authentication, authorization and accounting can easily be controlled graphically using MySQL database [...]
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How to Bind Hotspot User to MAC and Static IP in MikroTik | November 6, 2020
MikroTik Hotspot is usually a user based Hotspot access controlling system. Internet access and bandwidth can easily be maintained with Hotspot user based system. But sometimes we may require more control on Hotspot system which is not possible only username based system. So, we may need to bind hotspot user to MAC and static IP address. If we can bind hotspot user to static IP address, it is easy to control Hotspot users with MikroTik Router and Firewall. So, in [...]
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5 Factors That Affect the VPN Speed | July 6, 2021
So you have finally decided to use VPN services. While it’s a great option you must have your concerns. One of these must be the VPN slowing down at times. If that’s the case then it’s better to know the reasons and to explore the issue prior buying or using a free VPN service. Whether you own a fashion brand or a company that teaches coding to beginner kids, many companies use VPN to provide its employees with a closer [...]
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