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LVM Management in CentOS/Red Hat 7 Linux
LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is the recommended partition method for CentOS/Red Hat 7 Linux. Specially, if we work on Mail Server, File Server, FTP Server, Web Proxy Server or any application where disk space changes frequently, the LVM partition is mandatory in this case. In my previous article, I discussed how to install CentOS 7.5 with LVM partitioning. If you are new here or CentOS 7 is not yet installed, I will suggest you to follow my previous article and install CentOS 7 with LVM partitioning and then continue this article. In this article, I will discuss how to manage LVM partitioning in CentOS/ Red Hat 7 Linux with the command line utility. Basic Components and Architecture of LVM Before going to start LVM management with command line tool, we should have basic knowledge on the basic LVM terms and architecture. The following three terms are the basic components of the LVM partitioning. Physical Volume: The underlying physical storage unit of an LVM is a block device such as a partition of a disk or the whole disk. To use the block device for an LVM logical volume, the device must be initialized as a physical volume (PV). Volume Groups: [...]
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MikroTik RouterOS User Authentication via RADIUS Server | November 19, 2017
MikroTik RouterOS has a strong local user database that is enough to manage a single MikroTik RouterOS user. But if your network has more than one MikroTik Routers, it is always better to use a RADIUS server to manage RouterOS user centrally. MikroTik User Manager RADIUS Server is a centralized user authentication and accounting application that gives the ISP Company or network administrator ability to manage not only RouterOS users but also PPP, Hotspot, DHCP and Wireless users. How to [...]
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CentOS 8 Installation with Screenshots (Server with GUI) | November 21, 2020
Linux is a free and open source operating system developed by Linus Torvalds on September 17, 1991. It is mainly used as server environment. A lot of Linux distributions are present today. Among them, Red Hat Linux is used as enterprise Linux. Red Hat is also known as Red Hat commercial Linux that means Red Hat is a paid service program. CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is another Linux distribution that provides a free and open source, enterprise-class, community-supported server platform functionally compatible with [...]
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MikroTik Hotspot HTTPS Redirect with Free SSL Certificate | June 21, 2020
SSL Certificate is required to enable HTTPS Login and HTTPS Redirect in MikroTik Hotspot. In one of my last articles I discussed how to configure MikroTik Hotspot HTTPS redirect and HTTPS login with MikroTik self-signed certificate. But self-signed certificate is not trusted by operating system. So, we get the following two issues if we configure HTTPS Login and HTTPS Redirect with self-signed certificate. Ask to proceed unsafe site: As browsers cannot trust self-signed certificate, it shows a warning message and [...]
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MikroTik Load Balancing and Link Redundancy with ECMP | October 28, 2016
Load balancing and link redundancy is the main concern to any network administrator. Because, they always want to keep live their network 24/7. If you have multiple WAN connections, you can easily make a load balancing as well as link redundancy network with MikroTik Router. Different types of load balancing and link redundancy are present in MikroTik Router. ECMP Load Balancing is one of them. ECMP is so easy to implement and it provides an perfect load balancing solution. In this [...]
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How to Bind Hotspot User to MAC and Static IP in MikroTik | November 6, 2020
MikroTik Hotspot is usually a user based Hotspot access controlling system. Internet access and bandwidth can easily be maintained with Hotspot user based system. But sometimes we may require more control on Hotspot system which is not possible only username based system. So, we may need to bind hotspot user to MAC and static IP address. If we can bind hotspot user to static IP address, it is easy to control Hotspot users with MikroTik Router and Firewall. So, in [...]
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Block Internet Access at a Certain Time in MikroTik RouterOS | August 1, 2024
We often find how to block or allow internet access at a certain time in our LAN network specially in WiFi network. Time based internet access is so useful for controlling Kids internet in any family or managing stuff internet accessibility in any office or other network. MikroTik RouterOS offers a feature named Kid Control to block internet access at a certain time. This feature is so useful for the parents or network engineers who want to block internet access [...]
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MikroTik Router Auto Backup via Email | August 23, 2016
MikroTik Router is popularly used not only in ISP network but also in enterprise office network. So, MikroTik is a popular item to network administrator. A regular task of a network administrator is to keep and store router configuration file backup. Almost every network administrator takes configuration file backup manually. But MikroTik Router has an E-mail tool by which network administrators can automate configuration file backup regularly via email and can reduce his daily manual task easily. E-mail tool is [...]
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Managing Disk Partition with the parted Tool in CentOS 7 | March 2, 2019
As a system administrator, sometimes you may require to manage partitions of your CentOS/Red Hat Linux Operating System. Partition management is always a risky task. But there are some useful tools those are so helpful to manage CentOS/Red Hat Linux disk partition easily. In my previous article, I discussed how to manage CentOS/Red Hat 7 HDD partitions with the fdisk utility. The fdisk tool is only eligible to manage MBR partition table. But GPT partition table is now becoming more [...]
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MikroTik WiFi MAC Authentication with UserMan RADIUS Server | December 23, 2019
MikroTik Wireless Router is popularly used as WiFi AP. MikroTik WiFi AP has a lot of features to tune WiFi network as your requirements. MAC authentication is one the amazing and useful features in MikroTik WiFi. MAC authentication enables filtering MAC address that means no MAC can be able to connect to WiFi AP without authentication. MAC authentication can be done either local database or RADIUS Server. MAC authentication with RADIUS Server provides facility to manage multiple APs from centralized [...]
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