bandwidth and speed relation

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  • Network Bandwidth and Throughput

    Bandwidth and Throughput are two important basic networking terms in computer network. If you wish to be an expert network administrator, you must have better understanding about these two networking terms. As a network user, you should also have better understanding about network bandwidth and throughput so that you can get maximum output from your network service provider. In this article, I will explain about network bandwidth and throughput from very beginning. I hope, this article will enrich your networking concept. What are Bandwidth and Throughput? Bandwidth In computer network, bandwidth is defined as the maximum number of bits that can flow through a network connection in a given period of time. The fundamental unit of network bandwidth is bits per second (bps). An ISP network connection that specified a bandwidth of 1Mbps means that in one second, maximum 100000 bits can be transferred across this connection. The term bandwidth is normally used in internet broadband subscription plan. Normally a higher bandwidth subscription plan will cost more than that of a lower bandwidth subscription plan. One thing to note is that even if you are subscribing a 1Mbps internet broadband plan, you may not get the full 1Mbps bandwidth when [...]


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