hosting apache web server

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  • Virtual Web Hosting with Apache on CentOS 7 (Name Based)

    Virtual Hosting is a method of hosting multiple domains on single server. If you have multiple domains (such as, and so on) and want to host on a webserver, Virtual Web Hosting is your right choice. Apache web server provides an easy way to manage Virtual Hosting. Virtual Hosting can be either Name Based or IP Based. In Name Based Virtual Hosting, multiple domains can be hosted on single IP address. On the other hand, in IP Based Virtual Hosting, each domain is mapped on a dedicated IP address. In this article, I will only discuss how to configure a Name Based Virtual Web Hosting on CentOS 7 Linux. IP Based Virtual Hosting will be discussed in my next article. Apache Virtual Hosting Configuration We are now going to start Virtual Hosting configuration with apache web server. It is assumed that you have already installed CentOS 7 Server on your physical or virtual machine. If you don’t have CentOS 7 Server installed, take a look of my previous article about CentOS 7 installation and configuration with GNOME Desktop and install CentOS 7 accordingly and then follow this article. Complete Apache Virtual Hosting configuration on CentOS 7 can be [...]


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    NGINX and PHP-FPM: A High-Performance Web Hosting Duo |   September 26, 2024

    When it comes to hosting high-performance websites or web applications, Nginx and PHP-FPM are often paired together due to their complementary capabilities. NGINX is a highly efficient web server which works seamlessly with PHP-FPM. PHP-FPM is a FastCGI Process Manager for PHP that is used to deliver fast, reliable, and scalable solutions for dynamic content. What is Nginx? Nginx (pronounced as “engine-ex”) is a lightweight, high-performance web server that is widely used for serving static content, load balancing and reverse [...]


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    Port Based Apache Virtual Hosting on RHEL 7 |   July 26, 2019

    Virtual Hosting is a method of hosting multiple domains on single web server. If you have multiple domains (such as, and so on) and want to host on single web server, Virtual Hosting is your right choice. Apache web server provides an easy way to manage Virtual Hosting. Virtual Hosting can be Name Based, IP Based or Port Based. In Name Based Virtual Hosting, multiple domains can be hosted on single Server and single IP address. On the [...]


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    IP Based Virtual Hosting on CentOS 7 with Apache Server |   July 18, 2019

    Virtual Hosting is a method of hosting multiple domains on single web server. If you have multiple domains (such as, and so on) and want to host on single web server, Virtual Web Hosting is your right choice. Apache web server provides an easy way to manage Virtual Hosting. Virtual Hosting can be either Name Based or IP Based. In Name Based Virtual Hosting, multiple domains can be hosted on single IP address. On the other hand, in [...]


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