how to extend lans over the internet

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  • MikroTik EoIP Tunnel for Bridging LANs over the Internet

    VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that provides a secure tunnel across a public network. A private network user can send and receive data to any remote private network using VPN Tunnel as if his/her network device was directly connected to that private network. MikroTik provides EoIP (Ethernet over IP) that is used to create a site to site VPN tunnel. EoIP tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two MikroTik Routers on top of an IP connection. So, EoIP Tunnel can be used to communicate with remote LANs across public network using static routing configuration. EoIP Tunnel can also be used to bridge LANs over the Internet that means LAN IP can be assigned to a remote area network using EOIP Tunnel. The goal of this article is to design an EoIP VPN tunnel that will be used to bridge LANs over the internet. So, in this article I will show how to create an EoIP VPN tunnel between two MikroTik Routers and how to use this VPN tunnel to bridge LANs for keeping in the same layer2 broadcast domain over the internet. Network Diagram To configure a site to site EoIP VPN [...]


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