install phpmyadmin linux

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  • phpMyAdmin with NGINX – Installation and Configuration

    In modern web development, server management is a vital part. Two popular tools that assist in this process are Nginx and phpMyAdmin. Nginx is a high-performance web server, while phpMyAdmin is a widely-used web-based interface for managing MySQL or MariaDB databases. When combined, these tools provide a strong platform for serving dynamic web applications and managing their databases efficiently. What is Nginx? NGINX (pronounced “engine-x”) is an open-source web server that also functions as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. It is known for its speed, reliability and ability to handle a large number of simultaneous connections efficiently, making it ideal for high-traffic websites. Key Features of Nginx The key features of NGINX Web Server are – Event-Driven Architecture: Nginx handles connections asynchronously, which helps in managing multiple requests without consuming significant system resources. Reverse Proxy Capabilities: Nginx can be used to distribute traffic across multiple servers, balancing the load and preventing any one server from being overwhelmed. Static Content Delivery: Nginx is optimized for serving static files, such as images and stylesheets, efficiently, contributing to faster loading times. Security: Nginx provides security features like DDoS protection, SSL/TLS encryption, and HTTP/2 support. Scalability: Nginx is highly scalable and [...]


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    FreeRADIUS MySQL Database GUI with phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7 |   January 30, 2019

    FreeRADIUS is a high performance RADIUS Server that accepts a large number of networking devices as RADIUS Client including MikroTik Router. MySQL is one of the best user sources for freeRADIUS server. In my previous article, I discussed how to install freeRADIUS server on CentOS 7 and how to integrate MySQL module with freeRADIUS server. I also discussed how to create user group and profile in MySQL database server and authenticate MikroTik PPPoE client with MySQL database user. I used [...]


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    Ubuntu Web Server Configuration with phpMyAdmin (LAMP Stack) |   July 12, 2021

    Ubuntu Server is one of the most popular open source operating systems that can be used in production without any hassle. In my previous article, I discussed how to install Ubuntu Server with LVM partition. I also discussed how to assign static IP address on Ubuntu Server interface with Netplan network management tool. Ubuntu web server is a popular service because web developers usually use Ubuntu Server for their development project. Besides development project, Ubuntu web server can also be [...]


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    Web Server Configuration in Linux with Apache, MariaDB and PHP |   January 2, 2018

    Web Server is one of the most important and most used servers today. Without web server internet cannot imagine. Even, the article you are reading is also served by a web server. So, having web server configuration knowledge is beneficial for you, I think. A web server is responsible to serve HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) contents such as text, image, audio, video etc. to its clients. A lot of web servers are present today such as Apache, IIS, Nginx and [...]


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    MikroTik PPPoE Server Configuration with freeRADIUS Server |   January 20, 2019

    PPPoE Service is one of the most popular services in MikroTik Router. It is specially used by the local ISP provider for the simplicity of client connection. MikroTik PPPoE Service accepts user or client authentication and authorization both MikroTik local user database and RADIUS user database. RADIUS Server provides an efficient way to manage user authentication, authorization and accounting.  FreeRADIUS is a high performance RADIUS suite that provides user authentication, authorization and accounting facility for a number of network devices [...]


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    MikroTik Unequal Dual WAN Load Balancing with Failover using ECMP |   September 15, 2019

    MikroTik Router is capable of doing Load Balancing with Failover over multiple gateways. Policy Based Routing, ECMP, PCC and NTH Load Balancing are the popular load balancing methods in MikroTik Router. Among these methods, ECMP is so easy to configure and provides almost 100% load balancing and link redundancy solution. In my previous article, I discussed how to configure Load Balancing and Link Redundancy using ECMP over two equal bandwidth gateways. ECMP method is also capable of doing load balancing [...]


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    MikroTik Configuration with PPPoE WAN Connection |   July 18, 2018

    MikroTik Router is a popular routing device to any network administrator because of having a lot of network features availability. MikroTik PPPoE Client is a special feature that is used to connect any PPPoE Server. If your ISP provides PPPoE connection, MikroTik Router is able to connect that PPPoE Server using PPPoE Client. In my previous article, I discussed how to configure MikroTik Router with static WAN connection and in this article I will show how to configure MikroTik Router [...]


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    6 Best VPN Providers to Consider in 2022 |   October 19, 2021

    There are many VPN providers on the market. It can be difficult to know which one is best for you, but luckily we have compiled a list of six of the best! Get ready for our top picks. What is a VPN? A VPN, or virtual private network, hides and encodes your internet traffic so that you can surf the web more securely. By doing so, it protects your data from hackers and prying eyes. Think of a VPN as [...]


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    MikroTik Hotspot Customization |   April 5, 2017

    Hotspot is one of the most popular services in MikroTik router. MikroTik Hotspot Gateway is a policy to authorize network clients before to access local network resources as well as public network resources through MikroTik router. In a Hotspot network, the user can login or authenticate using almost any web browser, so there is no need to install any additional software to client end. As Hotspot login prompt is a webpage, Hotspot service can effectively be used as an advertising medium of [...]


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    DNS Server Configuration on CentOS 7 (Caching DNS with BIND) |   June 24, 2019

    DNS (Domain Name System) Server is an essential part to any computer network. Today web communication cannot imagine without DNS Server. DNS is a client server protocol where DNS Client requests for the domain name resolution and DNS Server response on it. Every network should have a DNS Server because local DNS Server improves network performance by caching DNS information and serving DNS request locally. DNS Server can be configured either Windows or Linux operating system. In this article, I [...]